Me and My Shadow
VS 16
Published by:
My Dance The Skull
Bryan Lewis Saunders / Z'EV
ltd. ed. C108
Side A and B are the same.
- 1 - Me and My Shadow - 54:00
- 2 - Me and My Shadow - 54:00

Notes: I recorded, verbally, every single bodily sensation I had during one day. Then sent the recording to Z'EV. He then edited my words, in essence editing my sensations and returned them to me in written form. Instead of recording the new physical sensations at the appropriate corresponding times of day, I forced myself to wake many times throughout the night and record them as well as first thing in the morning. So the vocals on the entire 53 minute album are spoken under a constant state of arousal. Then Z'EV composed music using only my vocals and then added the words. - Bryan Saunders
Parce qu’ils ont déjà plusieurs fois collaboré, ce « Me and my shadow » lancé à Z’EV par Bryan Lewis Saunders expliquerait-il (aussi) de quoi retourne leur relation ? Si rien n’est moins sûr, la cassette recèle quand même de beaux arrangements : souffles prolongés et battements de Z’EV contre susurrations d’un Saunders harcelé par le moindre fantôme à passer et à qui le percussionniste s’empresse d’insuffler la vie. La conséquence du geste sur le parleur angoissé est toujours efficiente. - Guillaume Belhomme