Sex, Drugs and Institutions (PAL)
Published by:
Stand-Up Tragedy Records
Featuring - John Duncan (Track 6), Kaontrol Kontraos (Tracks 1,3,5,9)
Signed and numbered, this release was in an edition of 30 PAL format DVDs to promote the second European tour of Bryan Lewis Saunders in November 2007. All videos edited and produced by Bryan Lewis Saunders.
- 1 - If My Mother and I Were Monkeys - - 1:46
- 2 - The Safest Way To Get High - 5:34
- 3 - My Deepest Darkest Fears - 3:51
- 4 - PCP Poetry - 2:58
- 5 - Small Town Dark Secret - 6;18
- 6 - Subject In Question - 6:36
- 7 - The Beach - 8:29
- 8 - I Quit - 5:21
- 9 - Promethazine - 2:51
- 10 - The Deposition - 2:58

From the Palais de Tokyo "The Third Mind" announcement of performances:
Impossible to explain an exhibition that refuses to be explained, to repeat the words of Ugo Rondinone, even if everything obliges us to do so, to repeat those of Samuel Beckett* - as much the wish to understand as the duty to communicate understanding. But we can at least try to remain firmly within the absence of explanation. We can make an effort to inhabit the fact of being stunned, or stoned. Drugs, altered states of consciousness, and rather abrupt landings after trips… Precisely, the Beat Generation, conjured up through the emblematic figures of Brion Gysin and William S. Burroughs by Ugo Rondinone, is inseparable from such an experience. In the programme of cultural events that accompanies The Third Mind and the documents and educational activities offered to the public we have attempted to provide visitors with guidance to the country of highs and lows, on a journey taking them from cut-ups to bad trips, from psychedelism to paranoia, from visions to nightmares, from astral bodies to the "international conspiracy of lies" (Burroughs), in short, from the utopian Sixties to the darker Noughties.
Mark Alizart
Opening night musical selection by Vincent Epplay and Samon Takahashi.
27 septembre 2007 / 18h-minuit.
Psychedelic conc ert of Residents inspired cut-up masters from Japan.
2 octobre 2007 / 20h
Sur reservation
John Giorno
Performance by John Giorno.
4 octobre 2007 / 19h30
The Third Mind
Around William S. Burroughs et Brion Gysin, avec John Giorno, Bernard Heidsieck, Françoise Janicaud, Jean-Jacques Lebel, Gérard-Georges Lemaire et Ramuntcho Matta.
11 octobre 2007 / 19h30
The Third Body
Burroughs' sex, by Bruce Benderson.
18 octobre 2007 / 19h30
Robert Breer
A choice of films by Ugo Rondinone of the American master of experimental animation.
25 octobre 2007 / 19h30
Dream Machines
Brion Gysin's Dream Machines to be experimented on covers of Throbbing Gristle, Monte Cazazza, Pierre Henry and original creations by Motus.
1 novembre 2007 / 18h00-minuit
Brain Dead
Brain damage, neurology and psychoanalysis, by Catherine Malabou, philosopher.
8 novembre 2007 / 19h30
From Burroughs "international conspiracy of lies" to modern "Men in Black", going through Sun-Ra and Juan Posadas, by Cédric Vincent, Pacôme Thiellement and Tom McCarthy.
15 novembre 2007 / 19h30
Stand-up Tragedy
Performance poetry with Jorg Piringer and Bryan Saunders.
22 novembre 2007 / 19h30
Bad trips
A little story of Beat drugs and of their effects on the arts, by Christoph Grunenberg, Tate Liverpool director and curator of Summer of Love.
29 novembre 2007 / 19h30
First season of Jenji Kohan's TV hit.
6 dEcembre 2007 / de 18h00 à minuit
Ginsberg's Howl by Carlo Brandt, Gabriel Scotti, Vincent Haenni and Arnaud Valadié.
13 decembre 2007 / 21h
Sur reservation